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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

postheadericon Goth Chick Blog Train- Freebie

If you like this blog trian I have a kit that goes along with it perfectly called Old Irontail, just scroll down a little to see it and the link to get it!

My fellow designers and I have created a special blog train freebie spondered by Gothic Inspirations for all of you!
The kit is called Goth Chick, or should it be Chick? heehee. It's a dark, poppy fun look on a holiday that is usually filled with pastels.
So check out how cute this is, with the pubnk rock bunny with earrings and nose ring,or the chick with a mohawk and pink combat boots! I had so much fun with this kit, I hope you all love it.

This ia a tag I've created with my portion called Rock the Bunny!
My Part

Ann with: Addicted 2 Scrapz

Kelly with: Angels Designz

Amanda with: Amanda Kelleher

Julie with: Bits N Bobs

Candy with: Candys Treasures

Jill with: Created By Jill Scraps

Jo with: Creationz By Jo

Nikki with: Creative Intentionz

Muriel with: Creative-Disorder

Dani with: Darkmoon's Dream

Sarah with: Designs By Sarah

Dianna with: Digicats (& Dogs)

Pia with: Digital Blue Print

Conchi with: DNScraps

Miriam with: Ellanoir Design

Jessica with: Gothic Inspirations

Brandi with: Grunge & Glitter

Hezalin with: HezaScraps & Tags

Laura with: Laura's Designz

Victoria with: Maitri's Digital Scraps

Sally with: Mythical Designs

NAC with: Naughty Angels Creations

Nette: Nette's NightOwl Works

Cora with: Pimpd Designz

Justine with: PSP Addict

Sky with: Sky's Scraps

Steph with: Stephs Graphix

Tiffany with: Sweet Southern Comfort

Twinky with: Twinky Dezines

Julie with: Whispy's D'zines

Judy with: Winter's Loft

You can snag my tagger sized portion HERE
Monday, March 22, 2010

postheadericon Old Irontail- New PTU & an Easter Sale!

Remember the old Rankin & Bass tv special Peter Cottontail?

I always loved those specials, and Vincent price as Old Irontail was such a hoot.

It inspired me to do a darker theme for easter, as if he'd won his Eastewr Bunny election!

This is tagger sized

10 papers 700 X 700

50 Elemetns at 300 DPI and on individual PNG files.
You can purchase it HERE.
It's on sale right now for only 75 cents!
Plus all of my items are on sale for the remander of March
Sunday, March 21, 2010

postheadericon Mega CU Grab Bag

This is 50% off through the end of March!
This collab was created by the designers of Treasured Scraps for our owner.
She recently delivered her baby boy, Jase, 10 weeks early. He's doing ok, but the NICU that he's in is 2 hours away, so we came together to help her family out with expenses for fuel and such so she can see her precious baby boy as often as possible!

So for another week or so, you can get over 450 MB of FULL SIZED CU and CU4CU products for only $10! How could you beat that?

Buy it Here

This is my portion of it. 12 Full sized doodles perfect for a little boy!
Monday, March 15, 2010

postheadericon Gateway to Annwn by HezaScraps

Both the full sized and tagger sized are available in my store!

It's he dark side of the rainbow. Annwn is the Welsh/Celtc name for the afterworld, and this kit shows it in all it's glory.

14 papers

45 Elements

All at 300 DPI and on individual png files.

Get it HERE

postheadericon Gateway to Annwn in store now

Both the full sized and tagger sized are available in my store!

It's he dark side of the rainbow. Annwn is the Welsh/Celtc name for the afterworld, and this kit shows it in all it's glory.

14 papers

45 Elements

All at 300 DPI and on individual png files.

Get it HERE

postheadericon Tags for me by my CT!

My Craving a Dark Heart kit

My Limonade kit

My Periwinkle Tea kit

The collab with The Urban Fairy called Winter Coziness

My Flowery Fields kit.
Ella has been making taggies left and right for me, so I figured I'd better get them posted.
Monday, March 1, 2010

postheadericon Gateway to Annwn Blog Train Freebie

Gothic Inspirations newest offering for the masses! Jess came up with this awesome dark theme for a change in the regular St. Patrick's day fare. Annwn is the Welsh word for the afterlife, but we fudged a little and made it more Celtic than Welsh, but it's all great for you and free.
My Offering will only be tagger sized this time and only free for 2 WEEKS! Afterwards, you'll be ableel to purchase it in my store, where the full sized is available now.
My preview.

You can snag it HERE
The rest of the designers. remember to leave soem love for everyone is you're snagging and if you create anything with mine, you can contact me here to show me!

Ann with: Addicted 2 Scrapz
Kelly with: Angels Designz
Jill with: Created By Jill
Jo with: Creationz By Jo
Nikki with: Creative Intentionz
Dani with: Darkmoon's Dream
Sarah with: Designs By Sarah
Dianna with: Digicats (& Dogs)
Pia with: Digital Blue Print
Miriam with: Ellanoir Design
Jessica with: Gothic Inspirations
Brandi with: Grunge & Glitter
Hezalin with: HezaScraps & Tags
Mystee with: Intoxxikate Intentionz By Mystee
Victoria with: Maitri's Digital Scraps
Myst with: Myst Scraps N Seasons
Sally with: Mythical Designs
NAC with: Naughty Angels Creations
Nette: Nette's NightOwl Works
Debi: Pages N Memories
Justine with: PSP Addict
Rachel with: Rachels Expressionz
Simone with: Scrappy Bit Of Fun
Sky with: Sky's Scraps
Tiffany with: Sweet Southern Comfort Creations
Judy with: Winter's Loft
Also, you can see what I've created with this kit too.